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We help developers, owners, contractors, engineers, and architects build faster with unlimited design options.


Exceler Building Solutions improves ROI by speeding construction and restoration, simplifying installation, extending the construction season, and driving down maintenance and operations costs over time. A single-source building envelope means more sustainable structures, comfortable occupants, satisfied contractors, and improved owner profitability.  

Customized Design

Unleash your creativity and design stunning building facades with our versatile exterior pre-manufactured wall panels and cladding panels. Exceler can meet any design standard with textures ranging from brick, stone, stucco, wood, metal, and more. No matter the design style, from traditional to contemporary, from classic to modern, our solutions offer the widest range of options.


Exceler can reduce total construction costs by as much as 35%. Pre-fabricated exterior cladding panels, either structural or decorative, can reduce construction projects’ timelines by as much as 50% (According to McKinsey & Company) and construction waste by 90%. By off-siting labor, contractors save on payroll, insurance, and benefits. 

Safer On-Site Construction

Pre-manufactured EIFS, cladding and structural panels reduce danger at the worksite. Fewer workers at lower heights means a safer place to work.  

Baked-In Sustainability

Highly insulative for optimal energy and thermal performance. Meets Net Zero, Passive House and other green building standards. Exceler delivers 90% less construction waste, reducing carbon footprints and helping organizations meet ESG goals and objectives. Cleaner, greener, long-lasting, impervious and weather-resistant, Exceler’s sustainable solutions can help companies meet ESG goals through energy efficiency, reduced construction waste, and long-life spans of a building.  

Learn More About Exceler Building Solutions